Sunday, January 26 - 18:45 to 20:00Raid is overBy: Alveric
6 0 1 2
2(OS: 1)
1(OS: 1)
2(OS: 2)
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Wednesday, January 29 - 20:30 to 23:59Raid is overBy: Felsargon
25 1 0 3
2(OS: 1)
5(OS: 3)
17(OS: 4)
Karazhan Crypts
Thursday, January 30 - 20:00 to 21:00Raid is overBy: Alveric
5 0 2 7
0(OS: 1)
3(OS: 1)
Saturday, February 1 - 12:00 to 13:30Raid is overBy: Alveric
4 0 1 2
1(OS: 2)
2(OS: 2)
Zul'Gurub (Cancelled)
Sunday, February 2 - 18:45 to 20:00Raid is overBy: Alveric
2 0 1 0
0(OS: 1)
0(OS: 1)
Blackwing Lair
Sunday, February 2 - 20:30 to 23:59Raid is overBy: Utrivelig
21 0 5 4
3(OS: 2)
16(OS: 2)
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Wednesday, February 5 - 20:30 to 23:59Raid is overBy: Felsargon
24 0 0 6
6(OS: 4)
16(OS: 4)
Friday, February 7 - 20:30 to 01:00Raid is overBy: Felsargon
24 0 0 4
2(OS: 1)
5(OS: 3)
16(OS: 4)
Sunday, February 9 - 20:30 to 23:59Raid is overBy: Utrivelig
24 0 2 0
3(OS: 2)
5(OS: 4)
16(OS: 6)